Investing In Our Own

The Path to Power program is an initiative to recruit, train and elect union members at all levels of government in Indiana. As part of the program’s candidate vetting process, we will utilize the  following document to evaluate your position on issues important to not only organized labor, but all working families.  

Your responses will help us make endorsement decisions and may be used to communicate with our union members. Please be candid, complete, and forthright in your responses. 

Step 1: Local Union Sign Off. Have your Local Union Officer complete this form and return it to the email attached.
Step 2: Complete the Path-to-Power Program Questionnaire form online here.
Step 3: The State Federation will forward the questionnaire to the Local Bodies for processing with additional information.
Step 4: Once the State Federation receives the endorsement, the State Federation Committee will convene a meeting to discuss final approval of a candidate into the Path-to-Power Program.

If you are running for school board as a Path-to-Power member please also fill out this form that specifically covers issues around public education.

Once the State Federation Committee approves a candidate, they will receive the full support of Indiana's labor movement. This includes training support, leadership access and a targeted member-to-member campaign to ensure union households within your respective district are informed of your candidacy.